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Answers to some of the common questions people have about our work. 

Who are Calvin and Susie?

Before there was Calvin & Susie Hawaii Animal Foundation, there was – and still is – Calvin & Susie the pet supply store in Honolulu and Kailua in Oahu. Calvin and Susie are the names of our owner/founder’s Golden Retrievers. They are the “patron pooches” of CSHAF. 


Why was CSHAF founded? 

Since Calvin & Susie, the pet supply store, was founded in 2010 in Honolulu, it has always been part of the company’s mission to try to improve the lives of animals in Hawaii. It was always our goal to eventually start a non-profit organization for the betterment of animals. CSHAF is the fulfillment of that. 


Is CSHAF a non-profit?

Yes, we are a 501(c)(3) in the State of Hawaii. 


How is CSHAF funded?

CSHAF is funded entirely through tax-exempt donations and through the purchase of Calvin & Susie brand products specifically marked as in-support of CSHAF. Items are available through Calvin & Susie (brick & mortar/online) and through the CSHAF website. 


How do animals come under CSHAF’s care?

TK Animals are surrendered to CSHAF by good samaritans or guardians who can no longer care for an animal or animals under their care. Animals available for foster or adoption may also come under CSHAF’s care through local shelters. With the collaboration and cooperation of network of fosters and rescuers, it is our goal to never turn away an animal in need. TK


Does CSHAF have a shelter where animals are kept?

TK Not currently. The animals that are under our care live with fosters or, under special circumstances, owners who are in-need of aid. TK


Does CSHAF offer veterinary care?

CSHAF is not a veterinary clinic or hospital, we do not have veterinarians on-staff. However, we work closely with a network of trusted local veterinarians, who work with us to provide veterinary care animals in-need. 


Does CSHAF offer spay/neuter services?

We do not currently offer spay/neuter services, but we work with organizations and veterinarians who can prove such services. Under the right circumstances, CSHAF will provide funds for and/or oversee the process of spaying or neutering an animal. 


Does CSHAF have a physical location?

Yes and no. CSHAF’s physical address is that of Calvin & Susie in Honolulu. However, we only share office space with Calvin & Susie – animals may not be surrendered at this location. For the process of surrendering an animal, please visit our Surrender an Animal page (link to). 


How does CSHAF operate?

CSHAF’s has two primary functions: to provide veterinary aid to animals in-need and to find Forever Homes for animals in foster care or shelters. 


Through monetary donations CSHAF funds veterinary care if an animal’s guardian or caregiver cannot provide it. In collaboration with local shelters and rescues, CSHAF works to get animals off streets, out of shelters, and into either Forever or foster homes. Additionally, CSHAF works with local Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) organizations to educate the public and reduce the number of community cats in Hawaii. 


All of this is in service the goal of minimizing the number of needlessly euthanized shelter animals. 


How do I become a CSHAF animal foster? 

All CSHAF fosters are carefully vetted in order to provide the safest, most suitable environment for an animal. If you are interested in beginning the application process, please visit our Adopt/Foster page (link to). 


What services does CSHAF provide?

 TK CSHAF aids in the rehoming of companion animals, provides veterinary aid to animals in-need, takes surrendered animals into our foster owner network, educates the public on animal welfare issues such as TNR, puppy mills, how to report animal abuse, and humane training. TK 


Does CSHAF euthanize animals?

As we do not have a physical shelter and we are not staffed by veterinarians, no, we do not euthanize animals. Additionally, we do not believe in euthanizing healthy animals or animals capable of thriving after reasonable veterinary measures are taken. 


Will CSHAF pick up a stray or feral animal?

TK Call xxx-xxxx to report a stray or feral animal in need of help. CSHAF will take the appropriate and humane measures to ensure that the animal is retrieved by a no-kill shelter, foster owner, or animal professional within our network. TK


Does CSHAF only serve the State of Hawaii?

Yes. We are based in Honolulu, Oahu with organizational reach throughout the entire state 


What kinds of animals does CSHAF offer aid to?

We offer aid to companion animals. CSHAF does not discriminate against any animals based on breed, species, size, age, temperament, health, or gender. That being said, we realize that “companion animals” can include A LOT of animals. Any animal we cannot accommodate within our organization – farm animals, some exotics, some birds – will be surrendered to an organization that can provide the proper, compassionate care for such an animal. TK


Does my donation to CSHAF benefit Calvin & Susie?

No. Calvin & Susie is a separate entity from CSHAF. In no way will your donation to CSHAF benefit Calvin & Susie at all. 


Does my purchase at Calvin & Susie benefit CSHAF?

TK The only purchases from Calvin & Susie that directly benefit CSHAF are the purchase of our Calvin & Susie brand products – treats, pet wear, accessories, etc. Those items can be purchased at our brick & mortar locations in Honolulu and Kailua, online at or at Calvin & Susie does donate a portion of it’s earnings to CSHAF, as well as other animal charities in Hawaii. TK


Who works for CSHAF?

TK CSHAF is entirely volunteer run. We have a dedicated staff of Calvin & Susie associates who regularly donate their time to CSHAF, but we do not pay a staff. TK


Is CSHAF hiring?

Not currently. But we are always looking for volunteers! Please see our Volunteer page (link to) for opportunities. 

© 2017 by Calvin & Susie.

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