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ID Number: CS-002

Name: Andy

sex: male

Age: Born 3/26/2018

weight: 7lbs as of 6/25

Neutered/Spayed: NOT yet (see below)

Vaccinated: yes, 1st round on 6/25/18

Good with other dogs: Yes

Good with children: unknown

Good with cats/other animals: unknown

Status: available


Volunteers involved: Gary, Keely

rescuer/foster:  Gary

located:  HOnolulu

June 25, 2018


This scruffy little guy is Andy. Andy and his littermates, April and Ronny, were rescued from Waianae. Friendly and surprisingly mellow (for a puppy!), Andy was examined at Feather & Fur Animal Hospital where he was dewormed and deemed healthy. 


Andy has not been neutered yet – the vet wanted to wait. If you adopt Andy, you will have to agree to neuter him. CSHAF can offer assistance in doing that. 


Andy loves being around humans, and always seems ready with a smile or a pose for the camera. Easy going, a "people dog", we know that Andy would love to be a furry addition to your family. 


If you're interested in adopting Andy, click the button below and fill out an adoption application. Once complete, submit the application to for review. Thank you! 



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